With the quality of this, I wouldn't be sorry if I was you. :3
Keep it up pal.
With the quality of this, I wouldn't be sorry if I was you. :3
Keep it up pal.
Hey, this is really good!
You're really good at perspective shading and positioning.
Keep it up! X3
Thanks my friend! :'D
I've often been doubting my abilities lately >.< But I shall keep doing my best and improving and post more art :D
(Trying to break off this shyness I have TvT)
Since when was Alice smaller than Pico? That's a midlife crisis if I've ever seen one- xD
Nice job on this btw; keep it up. :3
Why would orange juice be in a vial like that though...? XD
Ngl, I don't think nitroglycerin would've did much to that little goober anyway-
Nice job on this btw; keep it up! :3
Cyder just likes keeping things in vials, it's more fun xD
That grin tells me EVERYTHING-
Tbh, I love seeing art like this; an actual picture used as a background-
Keep it up pal!
YYEAAA Me too!!
Also helps because drawing backgrounds is a pain xD
Thank youuu!!! :]
Poor Molly; I'll give her this toy. 🚗
This is a really good piece btw; keep it up pal. X3
I love finding this type of images online and drawing my ocs as the people, it's basically free comic ideas ºwº
El hecho de que los muslos sean tan prominentes es divertidísimo. xDD
Buen trabajo en esto por cierto; ¡avanza!
Huh, this is quite intriguing-
My brains drawing blanks rn, so that's all I can say rn. ;w;
Fantastic job though; I'm really liking the background in this too-
Keep it up! X3
W duo bro-
Fantastic art btw; keep it up-
Hey, this is really nice! It actually reminds me of a similar background I made for an art piece of mine where I experimented with chain brushes. :3
You could make some really good backgrounds if you keep on experimenting. Keep it up!
aw thanks!
I'm an artist, but I also dabble in photography and poetry. I'm a roller coaster mentally, so prepare for the ride of your life! x3
Discord: gshibeboi
[Please friend me; I'm lonely asf-] ;w;
Content Creator
Joined on 4/29/24